Reflex therapy in the connecting tissue

This unique technique is a reflex therapy using specific movements in the different layers of the skin to cause a stimulation in the muscles, joints, inner organs, nerves and vessels. In this treatment theres in no oil used, this is to ensure the correct effect in the areas of concern.

Goals of the reflex therapy in the connecting tissue

  • A general reduction of tension in tissue, muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons.
  • Improvement of blood circulation
  • Beneficial effect on the functions of organs.
  • Improvement in neurological disfunction.
  • Improvement of damaged tissue after injuries.
  • Support of the natural tissue metabolism
  • Relief of pain caused by degenerative problems of the spine, arthritis or other rheumatic illnesses.
  • Strengthening of the immune system


This therapy found its origin in 1929 and was created by Elisabeth Dicke, who found out that certain movements on the skin can influence parts of the body far away from the original touch (reflecting effect). Upon the medical case of the client the therapist adjusts the treatment to the individual needs.

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