Respiratory Therapy

Through this therapeutical breathing therapy the diaphragm and ist connected visceral regions are stimulated. It reduces the tension in mutiple layers of muscles and tissues and activates the respiratory secretion. This method helps to strengthen the physical awareness of the body, benefits the general wellbeeing and helps to learn and control conscious breathing resulting in deep relaxation.

Respiratory therapy treatment goals

  • Relief for breathing difficulties and respiratory diseases
  • Strengthening of the respiratory muscles
  • Reduction of stress induced symptoms
  • Overall vitalisation of the body
  • Degradation of inhibiting breathing factors
  • Improvement of the peristaltic movement in the colon
  • Reduction of muscular tension in the neck and back using the fascial connection, resulting in a improvement of posture.
  • Aids the venous return towards the heart, reducing cardiovascular issues.
  • Encourages emotional stability
  • Improvement of the physical and mental perception relieving insomnia or nervous exhaustion.


 The diaphragm is located in the center of the body directly under the ribcage, separating the upper thorax from the abdominal region. Not only is it responsible for the entire breathing process but also for the venous circulatory return to the heart and the movement in the digestive system and the internal organs. The diaphragm is a protagonist in many controllable and autonomic processes of the body.

The respiratory therapy is performed as a one-to-one session. The massage and the practical exercises are roundet out with a therapeutical consultation with your therapist.

This is a prophylactic method that can also be used as post-treatment.

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